Thursday, September 29, 2016

Tuesday, September 27, 2016

Tuesday September 27th

1. Small Debate

2. Declaration of Independence Reading
3. Tidying up the Kenilworth Declaration
4. John Locke Storyboard
5. I Know That Dude
Finish Kenilworth Declaration

Monday, September 26, 2016

Thursday, September 22, 2016

Friday September 23rd

Quickwrite prompt:

Describe a time when you were misunderstood because someone didn’t know the full story? Explain how this relates to what you've learned about contextualization. You can include how it made you feel and what the outcome was.

1. Kahoot! and/or Quickwrite

Wednesday, September 21, 2016

Tuesday, September 20, 2016

Tuesday September 20th

1. Map of the 13 Colonies
2. Sheg Stamp Act
3. Colonial Life, Colonial Strife
Finish: Sheg Stamp Act Paragraph!

Monday, September 19, 2016

Monday September 19th

1. Map of the 13 Colonies
2. Sheg Stamp Act
3. Colonial Life, Colonial Strife
Finish: Sheg Stamp Act Paragraph!

Monday, September 12, 2016

Tuesday September 13th

Pass Back Vocab Cards and Infamous
1. Colony Storyboard or Frayer Model Colony? 
2. Complete Pictorial Input Questions
3. Sheg Stamp Act

4.  8 Parts Diagram with Paul Revere's Boston Massacre (Prepositions Lesson)
Homework: Colony Storyboard

Monday September 12

1. Pictorial Input #1 Slavery Questions
2. CNN Student NEWS
Study for Pictorial Input #1 Quiz

Friday, September 9, 2016

TGIFRIDAY September 9th

1. Pictorial Input #1 Slavery Questions
2. CNN Student NEWS
Study for Pictorial Input #1 Quiz

Thursday, September 8, 2016

Thursday September 8th

1. Turn in Infamous #1 and Vocabulary Cards
2. Inside/Outside
3. Pictorial Input #1 Slavery Questions
Study for Pictorial Input #1 Quiz

Wednesday, September 7, 2016

Wednesday September 8th

1. Turn in Infamous #1 and Vocabulary Cards
2. Inside/Outside
3. Pictorial Input #1 Slavery Questions
Study for Pictorial Input #1 Quiz

Tuesday, September 6, 2016

Tuesday September 6th

1. Infamous #1 and Vocabulary Cards
2. Quick Inside/Outside
3.  Pictorial Input #1 Slavery
Infamous #1 and Vocabulary Cards due A Day Wednesday September 8th

Friday, September 2, 2016

TGI FRIDAY September 2nd

1. Infamous #1 and Vocabulary Cards
2. Quick Inside/Outside
3.  Pictorial Input #1 Slavery
Infamous #1 and Vocabulary Cards due A Day Wednesday September 8th

Thursday, September 1, 2016

Thursday BTSN September 1st

Download US History Book
1. Indentured Servant and iMovie Quickstart
2. Turn in iMovie Project to Classroom
3. Infamous #1 and Vocabulary Cards
Infamous #1 and Vocabulary Cards due B Day Thursday September 8th